Sunday, 16 October 2016

52x52: Give Peace

52 random acts of kindness that each take under 52 seconds. One action each week, over a year takes less than an hour of your life.

The 21st of September is the International Day of Peace. And there are so many ways to celebrate it, from marches and conferences to exhibitions and literature. Something that takes under a minute you could do, is to make a peace crane

Sadako Sasaki made 1000 when she was diagnosed with lukemia, a result of exposure to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima when she was a baby. Since her death her family have been sending the cranes she made to places that need healing (National Geographic, 2015). 

Making one doesn't even take a minute, but a thousand is another thing. Do just one or the first of a future thousand. Make one with a message or a wish. Give it to someone who needs healing. 

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