Monday 17 June 2024


My stories are mostly from the past few years, writing in the margins, between work, life & everything. 

Stories also forthcoming in 

  • Fudoki Anthology
  • Reflex Anthology 
  • Bath Flash Fiction Award Anthology
  • Others to be announced

I'm excited that my collection/workbook 52 STORIES for Readers & Writers will be published by Ad Hoc Fiction

June 2024 ⬇️⬇️⬇️

The Four O'Clock Shop in Issue 3 of The Mersey Review

Rewilding in the National Flash Fiction Day Write-in 2024

 I Meet Myself Coming Back in National Flash Fiction Day Flash Flood 2024

 White Noise (Editor's Choice) in 'Tiny Sparks Everywhere - the Elements themed National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2024 (Print) 

April 2024 

 Mama’s Cupcake Recipe (All a Stoner Girl Needs at Night) published by Bending Genres

February 2024

 Three Reasons Why Killer Whales Kill Porpoises But Don’t Eat Them in Swansong, Issue 14, published by Ellipsis Zine

January 2024 

 A Rope Hangs Waiting in Flash Fiction Festival Anthology Vol 6, published by Ad Hoc Fiction 

December 2023

 Gone in Mslexia's Best Women's Short Fiction 2023

November 2023 

 Ceiling Projections For Late Stage Souperism 2nd place in the Propelling Pencil Flash Fiction Competition.

 The Back Road and the Kissing Gate shortlisted by the Edinburgh Flash Fiction Prize & published in Solemates and Other Stories by the Scottish Arts Trust

October 2023

When You're Gone I Practice for When You're Dead in Issue 31 of New Flash Fiction Review

August 2023

⏩ At Weekends Mama's Carnivore in Issue 3 of RUBY Literary Magazine

July 2023 

 The Zoo is Empty Tuesdays in The Phare Summer Issue 2023.

June 2023

 The Princess and the Blankets in National Flash Fiction Day Flash Flood 2023

 Ember Days in 'Scratching the Sands' - the Time themed National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2023 (Print) 

 Scheele's Green in 'Scratching the Sands' - the Time themed National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2023 (Print) 

March 2023

 Skin Beetles in Janus Literary

 CHAW in Flash Fiction Festival Anthology Vol 5, published by Ad Hoc Fiction

 How Alexa Gets Pregnant and Chooses Abortion in Flash Fiction Festival Anthology Vol 5, published by Ad Hoc Fiction

February 2023

 Twenty-one Species of Fish Called Sardine in Fuel a fuel poverty charity anthology of 75 prize winning stories. 

 The Back Road and the Kissing Gate shortlisted by the Edinburgh Flash Fiction Prize 

January 2023

  Making Marys in Atlas and Alice

  I Give After-Christmas-Presents in Paragraph Planet

December 2022

  Dead Elves in Paragraph Planet 

  The Fortune Teller Miracle Fish from the Christmas Cracker Retreat West Christmas themed 12 Days of Stories

November 2022

Sailing the 7Cs of Flash Fiction - Vancouver Flash Fiction

⏩ Turf - Brick Lane Bookshop Short Story Anthology Longlist (Print) 

October 2022

⏩ Free-diving Five Hundred Million Years Ago Quiet Man Dave Prize Shortlist

⏩ The Axens of Silver Stag Ridge - EllipsisZine #12 (Print) 

Every Happy Ending is a Lie - Reflex Fiction longlist 

September 2022

⏩ What My Therapist Calls Grounding to Calm My Anxious Body - A Cast of Crabs anthology from Retreat West (Print) 

⏩ The Mechanical Forest at the End of the World Splonk

August 2022

Cup of Joe - HAD 💀

The Pigeon-Pea Princess of Sanganakallu - Fractured Lit

The Watchtower Seasons - New Flash Fiction Review

July 2022

What if Your Mother was the Woman Next Door - Ellipsis Zine

June 2022

⏩ A Sin to See Through Glass - National Flash Fiction Day 'Freedom' Anthology (Print)

FRAKTA National Flash Fiction Day Flash Flood 2022

⏩ The Measure of You - Crossing The Tees Flash Mob Anthology 

⏩ Gummy Bears - Tower Hamlets winner published in City of Stories Home anthology by Spread the Word

May 2022 

The Fish Tank Mangroves Canopy  - Urban Tree Festival runner-up

⏩ The Norwegian Spruce Seeds of the Svalbard Vault Urban Tree Festival Longlist

April 2022 

Twenty-one Species of Fish Called Sardine Oxford Flash Fiction Prize Anthology (print) 

⏩ CHAW Great Flash Fiction Festival Throwdown (Winner)

⏩ The Life Cycle of Fire & Note Craft

⏩ Stick and Poke Reflex Fiction (Longlist) 

March 2022

⏩ Per Procurationem Flash Fiction Festival Anthology, Volume 4

Recipe for Sustenance to avoid the End of the World as We Know it with Fresh Roles Flash Fiction Festival Anthology, Volume 4 (Technical Challenge Winner) 

⏩ The Almost-kiss Tiny Molecules

⏩ The Animals of Göbekli Tepe & Podcast The Phare

⏩ Always Sunset Retreat West Flash Festival Competition

 The Tucana Constellation of the Southern Skies Walk Listen Create

⏩ Torn EllipsisZine 

February 2022 

 The Soapstone Girl Dances Paragraph Planet

Spill Reflex Fiction (Longlist) 

December 2021

⏩ Plink Paragraph Planet

Our Lady of Perpetual Plastic & Smoke & Mirrors interview Smokelong Quarterly 

⏩ Duct Tape Bath Flash Fiction Award Anthology (Print) Longlist

⏩ Hail Bath Short Story Award 2021 Anthology (Print) Shortlist

November 2021 

⏩ Eclipsed Spread the Word & London Wildlife Trust This is Our Place Anthology (Print & Download) 

⏩ A Portrait of War and Love Ellipsiszine#10 (Print) 

⏩ Woodbine Reflex Fiction Autumn 2021 Flash Fiction Competition (4th place) 

⏩ The Animals of Göbekli Tepe  The Phare Literary Magazine 

⏩ The Acorns of Bartlett Park  Sydney Gardens Park Bath Tree Weekender prose competition winner. Check out Longlist here. 

Born Free Paragraph Planet

⏩ Night Bathing Highlands and Islands Short Story Association (HISSAC) Flash Fiction Winner 

October 2021

Guys I Meet Before I Die Half Empty Magazine - Sweet & Sour Issue 

Watermelon Metropolis Litro Magazine - Nature Issue

⏩ Mixtape for an Amusiac Sledgehammer Literary Journal

Three Hours and Seven Minutes Reflex Fiction Longlist 

⏩ I Am Coin  EllipsisZine

September 2021

Convenience Store Babies Janus Literary Issue 5

⏩ My Velcro Baby Retreat West Festival Micro Competition Winner

The Girl with the Farrah Fawcett Hair Emerge Literary Journal

⏩ We're playing doctors and nurses.... Paragraph Planet

⏩ Turtle on the Dotted Line Reflex Fiction

⏩ Twenty-one Species of Fish Called Sardine  Oxford Flash Fiction Prize Winner

August 2021

Killing Flies  Scissors & Spackle (Emerge Literary Journal) 

⏩ Watering the Garden at 4am  The Mambo Academy of Kitty Wang presents 'Millipede Ranch' from Blink Ink (Print)

July 2021

⏩ Babies Falling from the Sky Crack the Spine Anthology: The Year 2020 (Print)

Goldilocks and My Imaginary Family Free Flash Fiction Competition Winner

Stain Rejection Letters 

Don't Tell Me What to Wear Paragraph Planet 

⏩ Leaving Him Ellipsis Zine Issue #9 (Print) 

June 2021

The Soft Th Janus Literary

⏩ No Birds' Nests in the Tree Next Door NFFD Flash Flood Journal

⏩ Cardiac Ablation 50 Word Stories

⏩ Contact Lenses in  Beguiled by a Wild Thing Anthology Reflex Press (Print)

May 2021 

In the Other's Mouth Emerge Literary Journal

The Alligator Clock Ellipsis Zine

The Recovery Position The Daily Drunk Magazine

April 2021 

Under the Kitchen Table SVJ Schuylkill Valley Journal 

⏩ Trespass to the Person Versification Misfit Micros

A Body of Water Reflex Fiction 

March 2021

Orphan Negative Paragraph Planet 

White Line  Gone Lawn

Forced Moulting Gone Lawn

Like Rain  Blues Doodles 

February 2021

⏩ She Leaves Offerings on Doorsteps Schuylkill Valley Journal (Print)

⏩ The Unbirthday at the Border Schuylkill Valley Journal (Print)

⏩ There is no Ocean in the Bucket  Schuylkill Valley Journal (Print)

Rot  Reflex Fiction 

January 2021

Meat Raffle  Janus Literary Journal

I Wear Other People  EllipsisZine

Providing Opportunities For Another to Excel  50 - Word Stories

On the 11th day of Christmas   Paragraph Planet 

December 2020

Sowing Sea Meadows   Litro

⏩ The Man I Live With The Hunterian - Alcohol in the Archives Journal

How I Wonder  Friday Flash Fiction

Pine  Friday Flash Fiction

⏩ Between Rivers  City Lit Anthology: Between the Lines 2020 (Print & Ebook )  

Menhirs  Friday Flash Fiction

November 2020

The Black-lacquered Bowl  Fudoki

The Succulent  50 - Word Stories

Beans  Mum Life Stories - Competition & Anthology

October 2020

⏩ The Indentation of Pearls  Hysteria 21 - Competition and Anthology

Dear Joy  Friday Flash Fiction

The Proper Respect for Water  London Independent Story Prize

Bubble-wrap and Brown Paper  Virtualzine

September 2020

⏩ Cloudburst '72  The London Reader - Cyberpunk 2020 1ssue

Contact Lenses  Reflex Fiction Longlist

Connected  Paragraph Planet

⏩ Overcharged with Dead  Mslexia Issue #87 (Print)

August 2020

Remington Made Typewriters  Friday Flash Fiction

Paper Cranes  50 - Word Stories

Duck and Cover  Liars League - Performed by Lin Sagovsky

Landed My First Kick-flip  Paragraph Planet

July 2020

Covid Time Capsule Items List (Archive Copy)  100 Words of Solitude - Life in the Time of Corona

a measurement of silence in one hundred words  Fish Publishing - Lockdown Prize & Anthology - Third Place

June 2020

⏩ The Berlin Heart  Paper and Ink Literary Zine #16 - The Rebellion Issue (Print)

⏩ Circle Time  Bridge House Publishing - Waterloo Festival Competition Anthology

Rubin's Vase  NFFD Flash Flood Journal

May 2020

⏩ The Karma Economy  Crack the Spine: The Year Anthology (Print)

April 2020

⏩ 7 Photos Lie on My Mother's Body  Thorn Literary Magazine

⏩ Rising and Falling with the Sea  Thorn Literary Magazine

The Birthday Cake Approaches  Paragraph Planet

Tulips for the Homeless  Reflex Fiction

March 2020

The Room on the Ledge  The Wellington Review Issue #5

⏩ The Cubital Fossa  EllipsisZine Issue #7: She Cries Honey Anthology (Print)

Other Uses for a Woman's Body  Lunate International Women's Day Micro Competition Winner

⏩ Life Sentence Mslexia: Issue #85 (Print)

February 2020

Pancakes  Paragraph Planet

⏩ Harvest  Crack the Spine: Neighbours Anthology (Print)

Pre 2020

Fruit is the New Gold  Paragraph Planet

Submarine  Jellyfish Review: Issue #51 Metalheads

⏩ Red Grass  The London Reader: The Motherhood Issue   (Print)

My Father the Somniloquist  Short Edition: Online and Story Dispensers 

⏩ Flamingos of the Salinas  Spread the Word: City of Stories Anthology (Print)

⏩ My Mother Left Me for a Tree  Retreat West: Word for Freedom - Anthology Celebrating 100 years of Women's Suffrage (Print)

The Old Man and The Balloon  The Magnolia Review - Balloon Issue

Under the Gaze of the Lion  EllipsisZine

⏩ Rusted  Paper and Ink Literary Zine # - The Punk Issue (Print)

The Shop of Preserved Curiosities  Dear Damsels - Curiosity Issue

Soul Brothers  NFFD Flash Flood Journal

Lost Words   Friday Flash Fiction 

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